Guitar Amp Guides

how to service your own tube amp

Guitar Amp Guides

How To Service Your Own Tube Amp

Have you been having trouble servicing your tube amp and making it work properly? If so, then you’re definitely in the right place. Servicing your own tube amp is easy if you know what you’re looking for and where the problem lies. If you maintain your amp and service it regularly, it’ll continue producing exceptional …

how to build a stereo tube amp from scratch

Guitar Amp Guides

How To Build A Stereo Tube Amp From Scratch

Are you planning on building a stereo tube amp, but don’t know where to start and how to move forward? If so, then you’ve definitely landed in the right place. Building a stereo amp from scratch will involve understanding the basics of stereo tube amps, gathering the necessary components, planning the layout, adding the power …

how do you connect a small guitar amp to a pa system

Guitar Amp Guides

How Do You Connect A Small Guitar Amp To A PA System?

Are you a guitar player who wants to learn how to connect a small guitar amp to a PA system? Look no further! In this article, we’ll walk you through the process step by step, from equipment setup to testing. We’ll also discuss the benefits of connecting a small guitar amp to a PA system …

how to add an effects loop to a tube amp

Guitar Amp Guides

How To Add An Effects Loop To A Tube Amp

Are you setting up your guitar rig and want to add an effects loop to your tube amp? If yes, then you’ve wandered around and found the right guide. Adding an effects loop to a tube amp involves plugging in a 1/4-inch instrument cable into the Effects Send out of the loop. Then, you should …

how to connect guitar amp to audio interface

Guitar Amp Guides

How To Connect Guitar Amp To Audio Interface

Do you have a guitar amp in your rig, and you need to connect it to an audio interface? If so, then you’re definitely in the right place. Connecting a guitar amp to an audio interface involves connecting the amp’s line-out port to the interface’s input via a 1/4-inch cable. The guitar amp’s audio signal …