best scales to learn on guitar - man playing electric guitar

Learn Guitar, Music Theory

Best Scales To Learn On Guitar

Learning how to play the guitar is a strange combination of being extremely satisfying and infuriating at the same time. A certain euphoria is felt when you can finally strum along to Oasis’ Wonderwall in time or when the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Under the Bridge no longer seems like an unattainable feat. And yet …

best way to learn guitar without a teacher - acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

The Best Way To Learn Guitar Without A Teacher

Although there are excellent guitar teachers out there, learning to play the guitar without a teacher is possible. I will give you some tips, based on my own experience, to find the best way to learn guitar without a teacher. Here at All Stringed, we have already made several articles related to learning at home. …

how to learn acoustic guitar chords for beginners - playing acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

How To Learn Acoustic Guitar Chords For Beginners

Surely you’ve read some of the articles we’ve left for you here at All Stringed. There you can see that we have come a long way through the world of acoustic and electric guitars. Along that way, we have tried to help our readers find the right guitar model for each one. If you have already chosen yours and …

guitar tabs for beginners - man playing electric guitar

Learn Guitar, Music Theory

TAB 101: Guitar Tabs For Beginners

Learning Guitar tabs is essential for beginners! Tablature is the language in which our favorite riffs on the guitar are written. You’ll learn the importance of reading tabs, a simple way to understand them, and the most common symbols with many examples in this article. When and why guitar tabs were invented? Imagine you’re trying …

how to tune a guitar by ear - guitar headstock

Learn Guitar

How To Tune A Guitar By Ear

So, you have mastered tuning your guitar with your handy electric tuner. A great next step in your journey of mastering your new instrument is tuning your guitar by ear. This can be an intimidating new skill to acquire. A proficient guitarist should not be beholden to their electric tuner. This article will walk you …

learn how to strum an acoustic guitar - man playing acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

Learn How To Strum An Acoustic Guitar

You’ve already started this exciting journey of learning to play guitar. Treasure everything you learn, every posture, every movement, every technique. Practice each one and keep them as tools in a toolbox. Because every one of these things you learn now, you’ll keep using them as long as you keep playing guitar. If you’ve decided …

how to tune a guitar with a tuner - acoustic guitar headstock

Learn Guitar

How To Tune A Guitar With A Tuner

Tuning your guitar can be a tricky task, especially if you are a beginner. Tuning a guitar with a tuner is straight forward, as long as you have sufficient knowledge of the basics. Any new task may require a bit of learning to get started. Tuning a guitar is no different. This article will walk …

left handed guitar lessons - man playing electric guitar on stage

Learn Guitar

Left Handed Guitar Lessons – The Lefties’ Chord Bible

Many lefties will refuse to take left-handed guitar lessons because they feel it’s “too difficult” to be worth it. However, there’s little to no difference in how a left-handed guitarist can progress compared to a right-handed guitarist.  Being left-handed in guitar means that you feel naturally more inclined to strum with your left hand and …

best guitar to learn on for adults - man playing acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

What’s The Best Guitar To Learn On For Adults?

If you ask me what’s the best guitar to learn on for adults? I wouldn’t answer very differently than if you asked me about a guitar for beginners. Because the best guitar to learn on is the one that is the simplest and easiest. This does not matter if you are an adult or not. …

which is easier to learn guitar or bass - bass guitar on stage

Learn Guitar, Learn Bass

Which Is Easier To Learn – Guitar Or Bass?

Bass and guitar are actually very similar instruments. If you’ve wondered which is easier to learn, bass or guitar, then the truth is they are both complex instruments that take time to learn! Nonetheless, they do have some differences, and you should consider the pros and cons of each one, particularly when you’re first starting …

can you learn guitar at any age - adult playing acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

Can You Learn Guitar At Any Age? Discover How!

Some activities can only be done at a certain age. You may not be able to practice wrestling or climbing if you are too young, or if you no longer have the necessary strength. These activities demand a specific age, adequate physical condition, and a lot of training. But can you learn guitar at any …

playing guitar with small hands - playing acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

8 Top Tips For Playing Guitar With Small Hands

Have you ever heard things like “you have excellent hands for piano/guitar,” said to people with large hands? Do you feel you don’t fit in this category? Don’t worry! In this article, you will discover that playing guitar with small hands doesn’t have to be an issue at all. Follow these useful tips to become …

easy to learn acoustic guitar songs - man playing acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

20 Easy To Learn Acoustic Guitar Songs

Feeling like the scales and chords exercises aren’t enough? You can try what you’ve learned so far, and following the steps of some of the great musicians in the world! Here we show you 20 easy to learn acoustic guitar songs with their chords.  Bear in mind that not every song in this list is …

how to learn power chords on acoustic guitar - man playing power chord on acoustic guitar on stage

Learn Guitar

How To Learn Power Chords On An Acoustic Guitar

Do you think that the sound of an acoustic guitar is too mellow and tame to play heavy rock songs? Think again. Do you want to increase your versatility as an acoustic guitar player? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will show you how to learn power chords on an acoustic …

which is easier to learn guitar or violin - woman playing violin, man playing electric guitar on stage

Learn Guitar

Which Is Easier To Learn – Guitar Or Violin?

If you’ve been trying to decide what instrument to play, you may have wondered, “Which is easier to learn, guitar or violin?” You’re not alone in wondering which is simpler. The most basic answer is they are both equally complex in their own ways. With the violin, you have to learn how to bow well, …

best way to learn acoustic guitar at home - man playing acoustic guitar at home

Learn Guitar

The Best Way To Learn Acoustic Guitar At Home

If you’ve come this far, it’s because you’re looking for the best way to learn acoustic guitar at home. There are too many methods and resources to get started out there. I want to give you some tips so you can move forward. Below you’ll find some points to find the best way to learn …

best way to learn guitar online - guitar and computer

Learn Guitar

The Best Way To Learn Guitar Online

Having one-to-one or group lessons with a private tutor offers a hands-on way to learn the fundaments of playing guitar. However, in these halcyon days of the internet, it’s not necessarily the best way to be taught. The internet is awash with online lessons, guides, and videos that can teach you all that you need …

what's the best guitar to learn on - electric guitars

Learn Guitar

What’s The Best Guitar To Learn On?

Electric vs. acoustic guitar If you are beginning to approach the extraordinary world of the guitar, sooner or later you will ask yourself this question: What’s the best guitar to learn on? In another article, we have already focused on the advantages and disadvantages of the electric and acoustic guitar models. These are the most popular …

fingers hurt playing guitar - playing acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

My Fingers Hurt Playing Guitar! – You’re Not Alone!

Congratulations, you’ve started playing guitar! If you’ve had more than one or two practices, though, you may have noticed that your fingers hurt while playing guitar. Unfortunately, that’s common for guitar players, but luckily, there is some good news! You can use a few tips to help you out while playing, and you can also …