best way to learn guitar for adults - man playing acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

The Best Way To Learn Guitar For Adults

There are plenty of activities for people to enjoy as a pastime or hobby in their adult life. As a true beginner, it can be daunting to pick up a new hobby. Music is a unique art. It can be enjoyed and experienced by all people regardless of skill level. Listening to your favorite songs …

first scale to learn on guitar

Learn Guitar, Music Theory

The First Scale To Learn On Guitar

Figuring out what to learn on guitar isn’t the easiest thing to do if you’ve never played! Of course, first, you need to decide what kind of guitar you want to play. Do you want to play mainly chord songs? Then you might not need to learn scales. However, if you want to pick melodies, …

best way to learn songs on guitar - man playing electric guitar live on stage

Learn Guitar

The Best Way To Learn Songs On Guitar

You will notice after some playing that you need a way to figure out how to play your favorite songs. If you want to learn a sure-fire method to learn any song you want to play, look no further! In this article, we will show you the best way to learn songs on the guitar. …

best way to learn guitar at home - man playing electric guitar at home

Learn Guitar

Finding The Best Way To Learn Guitar At Home

If you’ve been wanting to pick up the guitar, you may be wondering the best way to learn guitar at home. Lucky for you, you’ll find plenty of resources available to you on the web to get you started! Video tutorials are a great way to begin the process, as you can mimic what the …

how fast can i learn to play guitar - man with classic guitar

Learn Guitar

How Fast Can I Learn To Play Guitar?

Whenever we start learning something new, whether it’s driving a car, fly-fishing, or learning to play an instrument, this new activity that appears in our lives will demand effort, attention, and dedication. But above all, it will require time. Modern life pulls our extremities towards the four cardinal points in its constant demand of our …

is it easier to learn electric guitar than acoustic - man playing electric guitar

Learn Guitar

Is It Easier To Learn Electric Guitar Than Acoustic?

When we start playing the guitar, it is common for us to ask ourselves many questions. Among them, a very common one is the following: Is it easier to learn to play electric guitar than acoustic? This is something I asked myself when I started learning back then in the eighties. But because I learned …

how long does it take to learn acoustic guitar - man playing acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

How Long Does It Take To Learn Acoustic Guitar?

If you have been watching your favorite musical artists play guitar for years, you’ve probably wondered, “How long does it take to learn acoustic guitar?” The good news is that the acoustic guitar is a great instrument for musical beginners. Even if you don’t have any musical training, you can learn to play the guitar! …

how to teach a child to play guitar - boy and girl are playing guitar

Learn Guitar

How To Teach A Child To Play Guitar

If you are interested in immersing your children early on in the wonderful world of guitars, either as a parent or an instructor, this article is for you! Here we will talk about some of the most important do’s and don’ts of teaching guitar to children, with some fun and affordable options. Don’t: Make them …

can you learn electric guitar before acoustic - playing electric guitar

Learn Guitar

Can You Learn Electric Guitar Before Acoustic?

When you start dreaming about playing guitar, the idea of playing an electric guitar may become more appealing to you than an acoustic one. Of course, this is a matter of taste, and you may prefer one over the other. But when you are at home or at a live show, listening to your favorite …

which is easier to learn guitar or ukulele - man playing ukulele

Learn Guitar

Which Is Easier To Learn, Guitar Or Ukulele? Let’s Find Out!

Deciding to learn a new instrument is a brave decision. You must put yourself out there and show a great deal of vulnerability and willingness to try something new. The arts, in general, are rewarding endeavors. They can provide entertainment, joy, and meaningful connections. Perhaps you have an interest in music but aren’t sure about …

how long does it take to learn guitar - playing guitar

Learn Guitar

How Long Does It Take To Learn Guitar

Perhaps you recently started your journey in learning to play guitar, and you might be wondering how long it will take you to play with confidence and accuracy, much like your favorite artists. If that’s your question, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will discuss how long does it take to …

best way to learn guitar on your own - guitar friends

Learn Guitar

Best Way To Learn Guitar On Your Own

Life can be busy and full of responsibilities that can make it very difficult to sign up in a music academy to learn guitar and devote yourself completely to it. But, does this mean you have to give up on your dream? Can you learn guitar on your own? In this article, we will talk …

is it easier to learn guitar or piano - guitar and piano

Learn Guitar

Is It Easier To Learn Guitar Or Piano?

Piano vs. guitar is not a big rivalry as, say, Coke vs. Pepsi. But it has its hardcore fans on both sides, saying that one or the other is better because it takes more time and effort to learn. Or less, depending on how you see it. Most people would argue basic stuff such as …

learn to read music for guitar - guitar tabs with headphones

Learn Guitar, Music Theory

Learn To Read Music For Guitar

When learning guitar, you will find that there’s a useful way to record music other than audio, and it’s by writing. There are three ways in which guitar music is written: music sheets, chord sheets, and tabs. You will find in this article the basics to make sense of what’s written in each so that …

learn guitar fretboard in 10 minutes - electric guitar on amp

Learn Guitar

Can You Learn Guitar Fretboard In 10 Minutes?

Everybody wants to learn how to play guitar creatively and know where every note is in the fretboard; some programs are ambitious, promising you such achievement after 3 months, 1 month, even 3 weeks. Let’s get even more ambitious: how about 10 minutes? Is it possible to explain the fretboard basics in 1/6th of an …

How To Put A Strap On An Acoustic Guitar - Guitar with Strap

Learn Guitar

Learn How To Put A Strap On An Acoustic Guitar

If you’ve been playing an acoustic guitar for any period of time, you know a strap can be a useful addition. It makes it much easier to play standing up, and you can even use a strap to keep hold of your guitar while seated. You may have noticed one problem with many acoustic guitars …

easy songs to play on guitar for beginners - woman playing guitar and singing

Learn Guitar

10 Easy Songs To Play On Guitar For Beginners

Learning the guitar doesn’t have to be a series of boring scale and speed exercises; you can get better by playing songs! In this article, you will find 10 songs you can master easily at the beginner level, with some tips on how to approach difficulty in songs. A note in advance – you will …

learn guitar for left handers - left handed acoustic guitar

Learn Guitar

Learn Guitar For Left-Handers In 5 Steps

Is it possible to learn guitar for left-handers? Very much so! In this article, you will find some useful tips if you’re naturally left-handed and want to learn to play guitar; along with some details of my own experience doing so.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Electric Guitar? Red Electric Guitar

Learn Guitar

How Long Does it Take to Learn Electric Guitar?

We’ve all been there: you’re thinking about purchasing your first guitar and starting your journey to rock stardom (or perhaps just a short trip to becoming the person playing to a couple of friends in front of a campfire). You imagine yourself flawlessly executing your favorite melodies, and congratulate yourself on a job well done. …

How To Learn Guitar In Home - Man And Woman On Couch Playing Guitar

Learn Guitar

5 Tips On How To Learn Guitar In Your Home

Thirty years ago, when I started to think about how to learn guitar in my home, there was no Internet. No social networks, and none of the other invaluable resources we have access to today. In those days, I only had friends, who barely knew a little more than I did, and magazines like “Guitar …